The Refund Transfer (RT) (also called pay-by-refund) is a non-loan product designed for taxpayers who cannot or do not wish to pay out-of-pocket for income tax return preparation and related costs. This pay-by-refund product allows you to withhold the tax preparation fees from your refund amount, and the remaining amount is paid to you. This gives taxpayers the ability to pay for tax preparation without paying up from with cash, check or a credit card.
How it works
Once your tax return has been prepared, you are expecting a tax refund, and you have agreed to pay for tax preparation with your tax refund, the tax return is filed to the IRS and/or state taxing authority with the temporary bank account information included on your tax return.
The tax refund will be routed to Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg). Once we have received the tax refund from the IRS and/or state, all authorized fees (including the tax preparation fees) are deducted from your tax refund. The remaining balance is paid to you by the method you requested.
How long does a Refund Transfer take?
When the IRS and/or state taxing authority issue the tax refund, funds are deposited into your temporary account, typically in as little as 21 days from the date the IRS acknowledged processing the federal tax return.
Refund Transfers are deposit products using Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC, that enable certain deductions from the account to be processed. Refund Transfers are not loans. Tax refund and e-filing are required in order to receive Refund Transfer. Fees apply. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Ask your preparer about other IRS e-file options, some of which are provided at no additional cost.