If you have attempted to logon to our website to view the status of your tax refund, but your account is not found make sure to confirm a couple things.
- Did you request a Refund Transfer from Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg)? - Whether your tax return was prepared by a tax professional or you prepared the return yourself, confirm that you requested a Refund Transfer with Santa Barbara Tax Products Group. If you e-filed without paying for tax preparation with your refund, or if you used another bank we will not have information about the status of your tax refund.
- Have you given it enough time? - We receive your information after your return has been prepared, filed and accepted by the IRS. If your tax return was just e-filed, we may not have your information yet. Wait at least 24 hours after filing before attempting to log in to our website.
Refund Transfers are deposit products using Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC, that enable certain deductions from the account to be processed. Refund Transfers are not loans. Tax refund and e-filing are required in order to receive Refund Transfer. Fees apply. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Ask your preparer about other IRS e-file options, some of which are provided at no additional cost.