If you can't find an answer in the Help Center and need to contact Customer Support, contact us by phone using the appropriate support department phone numbers below.
If you have specific questions about a prior year tax filing that can't be answered through our Help Center and require personal assistance please contact us at SBTPG-CSsupport@greendotcorp.com and your request will be routed to the appropriate department. If you need to speak to someone, call the appropriate support department below to reach a representative.
If you prepared your own return online call: 877-908-7228
If you used a tax professional call: 800-901-6663
Business Hours
All times are Pacific Standard Time.
January 2 thru February 21
Mon-Fri: 7am - 4pm
February 22 thru February 28
Mon-Fri: 6am - 5pm
March 1 thru March 8
Mon-Fri: 6am - 5pm
Sat: 7am - 4pm
March 9 thru March 22
Mon-Fri: 6am - 5pm
Sat: 7am - Noon
March 23 thru December 30
Mon-Fri: 7am - 4pm
Holiday Schedule
We are closed during the following holidays/holiday weekends.
New Year's Day- Jan. 1
Memorial Day- May 24 & 27
Juneteenth- Jun. 19
Independence Day- Jul. 4
Labor Day- Aug. 30 & Sep. 2
Veterans Day- Nov. 11
Thanksgiving- Nov. 28 & 29
Christmas- Dec. 25